OHDIR Foundation has recently developed a cohort data of 30000 families through a thorough mapping & listing activity. A total team of 24 data collectors performed the activity within a duration of three months’ time. Now we have basic information of 30,000 families including their social status. This cohort consists of the information of every household of Taljanga, Rauti and Tarail Sachail Union of Tarail Upazila (Sub-District) of Kishoreganj District Bangladesh.

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The Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) has confirmed that three Bangladeshis have tested positive in the country for Covid-19, a new strain of coronavirus that has killed over 3,600 people around the world. Please follow and maintain the following instructions to be protected from the deadly virus: Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching eyes, nose and…

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Primary Eye Care

OHDIR Foundation has been providing primary health care and primary eye care service to the people of Akubpur village under Tarail Upazila of Kishoreganj District. This health service is being continued since 2012 in a smaller scale. In January 2018 OHDIR Foundation geared up the activities of primary health care service adding primary eye care service with the previous services. In the reporting year OHDIR Foundation served total 13242 number of patients through this service center. This program was accelerated with the financial support of Square pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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Eyesight restoration program

From January 2018, OHDIR Foundation has started primary eye care service for the people of Akubpur, Tarail. Dr. F. R. Bhuiyan social development center is situated in such an area of Kishoregang district where there is no eye care service within surrounding 20-30 kilometers of area. While providing the primary eye care and screening service, it has been found that there are lots of patients suffering from cataract. But OHDIR has no arrangement to serve those people with cataract. In this situation the Vice-Chairman of OHDIR Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman Bhuiyan…

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Mobile health camp

Pro elit clita expetenda ad, pri in molestiae dissentias. Sapientem constituto ius id. Dicant salutandi et vix, sit ut prima fabellas expetenda. No tibique principes vim. Eu eam odio modus maiestatis. Eos cu meis tollit vocibus, facete aperiri meliore his ut. Cu purto invidunt nam, ut eum facete theophrastus. Id laoreet habemus vel, id vis diceret consequuntur. Te sit postea impedit. Usu ut alia laoreet, qui id postea persecuti dissentiunt, altera inimicus per in. In vim fugit explicari intellegebat, laudem legendos postulant at sit. Ea nam noster minimum, iusto phaedrum…

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