
Organization for Human development Initiatives through Research (OHDIR), Foundation is a volunteer organization works with issues impacting the development of healthy community through evidence based intervention. It is established in 2009, registered under Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 in Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Bangladesh on January 2012. Since the beginning OHDIR foundation works with the marginalized people of the village and under privilege people of the urban area. Initially OHDIR Foundation started with health service to the village poor by setting up a static clinic where free consultancy and medicine provided to the poor. Gradually the organization has expanded their intervention area and developed expertise in social mobilization and advocacy for preventing common diseases and Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) program designing, implementing, monitoring, evaluation and research.

There is a General Body, comprising of 27 members in OHDIR Foundation, which elects an Executive Committee of 08 members every three years. The Chairman of the Executive Committee is the chief executive of the organization. Regular staff members are employed to implement the programs and they report to the chairman/ Coordinator. The Executive Committee sits every two months to review the progress of the programs. The members of the Executive Committee periodically visit the program to see their status for themselves. A team of 14 volunteers and 1 regular staff run the programs of OHDIR Foundation. OHDIR Foundation is an equal opportunity employer – we do not discriminate on the basis of gender or religion. We support women working in OHDIR Foundation. We also consider gender when planning a project. OHDIR Foundation has prepared a gender policy which is under review committee for finalizing.

The Chairman and the other six board members are experienced in public health field. The chairman has done PhD in Cardiovascular disease Epidemiology from Shiga University of Medical science, Japan. He was Temporary National Professional Officer (NCD Risk Factor Surveillance), WHO Country Office. Now he is working in National Heart Foundation Hospital & Research Institute as Professor and Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Research of that institute. He has many national and international research experiences. He is continuing many non-communicable disease related research. Moreover he has many scientific papers on non-communicable diseases.

The Vice Chairman is also a public health expert. He has done Master of Public Health from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He also have done certificate course on Global Tobacco Control from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, USA. He worked in World Health Organization as National Consultant (Non Communicable Diseases) and also worked as National Consultant (Emergency Preparedness Action Program) in the same organization. He worked as Research Officer of Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), Bangladesh 2009 and Coordinated and analyzed Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors Survey, Bangladesh 2010. He was Principal Investigator, Community based Non Communicable Diseases Risk factor prevention program. Still he is continuing some research and program management activities.

All Directors of this foundation are related with social & scientific research in the field of clinical medicine and public health. Most of them has published article on their research work in local and international journals workshop/conference proceedings. They are also involved in different public health implementation program as well as social development program. First director is a medical graduate, dialectologist and public health specialist, as well as anti-tobacco activist. Second one is Additional Director and consultant of a renowned specialized ENT hospital, and continuously implementing ENT related awareness program at rural level countrywide as well as strong advocate for tobacco related cancer victims. Third director worked in international NGOs like Plan International, Save the Children and now freelancer for reproductive and child health program management and training. Fourth one is a social researcher and expert in low cost housing. Fifth director is a dentist, assistant professor of a dental college and have long term experience in Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) and National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute as research fellow. Another director was also involved in GATS 2009 and NCD Risk Factors Survey 2010 as IT Specialist and also managed administrative and financial part.

Some members of the executive committee and General Body are officials of different NGO’s and have long experience in working with disadvantaged children and their families. OHDIR Foundation has a group of dedicated staff members with working experience in the slum area of the city. One of the member have done PhD and post doc in Environmental Health in Nagoya University, Japan. Another one is Departmental head of Echocardiography of a renowned specialized cardiovascular hospital, who also done PhD from Shiga University, Japan.

The Coordinator of the Foundation is experienced in implementing and monitoring of development programs based on Child Rights Frame Work along with administrative day to day activities. She has extensive experience in financial management, training, developing project proposal, budgeting and report writing.